Page 37 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 37

ዚ࿴၍ط Corporate Governance


             ˴ࢩ Chairman:     ੵ਷ඓᙄࡰ˄̻୛ɻ                    The Honorable Horace CHEUNG Kwok-kwan, JP

             ਓ˴ࢩ              රჾ㛮ɾɻ                        Ms Gilly WONG Fung-han
                              ཅᄿ࿲઺બ                        Professor CHAU Kwong-wing

                              ੵѐᘒՅ˄̻୛ɻ                     Mrs Peggy CHEUNG Po-yee, JP
                              ᔝᅃุ༟ଉɽܛࢪ                     Mr Douglas LAM Tak-yip, SC

                              ࡗᆎːɾɻ                        Ms Imma LING Kit-sum
                              ю઼͏΋͛                        Mr NG Kai-man
                              ̡ࢯ౉ࠊɾɻ                       Ms Anna SETO Wai-ching

                              ጽዣρBBS˄̻୛ɻ                   Mr Simon SIU Chak-yu, BBS, JP
             ϓࡰ Members:
                              ᑽනᓿ΋͛                        Mr Calvin TSE Shun-lai

                              ᑽʃޛɾɻ                        Ms Phoebe TSE Siu-ling
                              ӓ౱ห௹ɻMH                      Dr Lawrance WONG Dun-king, MH

                              රΈᘴ΋͛                        Mr Ricky WONG Kwong-yiu
                              රਃඪ΋͛MH                      Mr Addy WONG Wai-hung, MH

                              ༶፩ʿג܊҅੬΂।ࣣڗ                  Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing
                              €ג܊אՉ˾ڌ                     (Housing) or his representative

                              ௓͑௫΋͛                        Mr Louis CHAN Wing-kit
             Board-appointed   ҽқϓ΋͛                       Mr Richard LEE Chi-shing
                              ҽ౻ڥ΋͛                        Mr LEE King-leong

            ਖ਼ุ೯࢝։ࡰึ                                      Professional Development Committee
            ᔖᛆᇍఖj                                        Terms of Reference:
            1.   ޼Ӻุޢٙ੃৅ცࠅdԨணࠇΥቇٙ੃৅ሙ                     1.   To examine the training needs and design appropriate training
                 ೻d˸౤ʺܵ೐ɛٙੂุ˥̻f                              programmes to raise the competence of licensees.

            2.   ္ຖ˜ܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇྌ™ٙੂБdܼ̍j                     2.   To oversee the implementation of the Continuing Professional
                                                             Development (“CPD”) Scheme including:

                 a.   ֛ಂᏨীࠇྌٙࠠᓃeᇍᖚձࠅӋi                       a.   conducting periodic reviews on its focus, scope and

                 b.   ࠈͭʱৣࣨːʿڢࣨː߅ͦݺਗܸٙˏi                     b.   determining guidelines for assigning core and non-core

                 c.   ᄲҭܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌݺਗٙ˴፬ዚ࿴ʿ൙                      c.   approving CPD activity providers and evaluating CPD
                     Пܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌݺਗi                                   activities;

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      35
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