Page 35 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 35

ዚ࿴၍ط Corporate Governance

            4.   ᄲቡ౤ʹʚ։ࡰึʘ೐๫Ŋᐄุ༉ઋႭ׼ࣣ͡                    4.   To consider and if thought appropriate, to approve or refuse
                 ሗd߰Ⴉމቇ຅d̙ҭࡘאלഒ͡ሗf                           applications for licences/SPOBs brought before the

            5.   БԴʿੂБήପ˾ଣૢԷ‘ୋ17e23e24e                 5.   To exercise and perform any and such of the EAA’s functions
                 25ʿ27ૢʿήପ˾ଣ€೯೐஝Է‘ୋ9ૢࠈ                     and powers under sections 17, 23, 24, 25 and 27 of the EAO
                 ׼္၍҅ٙ΂Оᔖঐձᛆɢf                               and section 9 of the Estate Agents (Licensing) Regulation.

            6.   Փ֛Ϟᗫ೯೐ԫධٙ݁ഄf                            6.   To set policies relating to licensing matters.

            7.   Ꮸীʿܔᙄ೐๫൬͜ʿ္၍҅΢ᗳ؂ਕʘϗ൬                    7.   To review and make recommendations on the scale of licence
                 షܓf                                         fees and charges for services provided by the EAA.

            8.   ޼Ӻʿணࠇၾ೯೐ԫධϞᗫٙڌࣸʿ˖΁f                     8.   To consider and design the relevant forms and related
                                                             documents pertaining to licensing matters.

            9.   ʔࣛܲ։ࡰึ˴ࢩܸˏϓͭɓࡈ͟։ࡰึϓࡰ                    9.   To set up a task force as may from time to time be directed
                 ଡ଼ϓٙʈЪʃଡ଼d˸ੂБ։ࡰึ˴ࢩה։ݼٙ                        by the Committee Chairman, comprising any member(s) of
                 ʈЪdᄲᙄʃଡ଼ٙʈЪഐ؈dʿቇࣛΣ໨ԫ҅                        the Committee, to carry out such tasks as the Committee
                 ౤ʹܔᙄf                                       Chairman may assign; to deliberate on the findings of the
                                                             task force; and to make recommendations to the Board for
                                                             approval as appropriate.

            10.  νႩމცࠅdఱ։ࡰึБԴՉᔖঐձᛆɢᐏ՟                    10.  To obtain legal and/or expert advice or service relating to the
                 جܛʿŊאਖ਼ุจԈא؂ਕf                               exercise of the Committee’s functions and powers as and
                                                             when the Committee considers necessary.


             ˴ࢩ Chairman:     ᖯˆё˄̻୛ɻ                      Ms Jane Curzon LO, JP
                              ཅᄿ࿲઺બ                        Professor CHAU Kwong-wing

                              ੵѐᘒՅ˄̻୛ɻ                     Mrs Peggy CHEUNG Po-yee, JP

                              ࡗᆎːɾɻ                        Ms Imma LING Kit-sum
                              ᑽනᓿ΋͛                        Mr Calvin TSE Shun-lai
             ϓࡰ Members:
                              ᑽʃޛɾɻ                        Ms Phoebe TSE Siu-ling

                              රΈᘴ΋͛                        Mr Ricky WONG Kwong-yiu
                              රਃඪ΋͛MH                      Mr Addy WONG Wai-hung, MH

                              Яඩٹɾɻ                        Ms Avon YUE Nga-fong

                              ࿋қ׼΋͛                        Mr LIU Chi-ming
                              ጽڥᒿ಻ඎࢪ                       Sr Keith SIU Leung-hung
             members:         ੵ͗ථɾɻ                        Representative of the Consumer Council
                              €ऊ൬٫։ࡰึ˾ڌ                   –  Ms Winnie CHEUNG Yuk-wan

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      33
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