Page 31 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 31

ዚ࿴၍ط Corporate Governance

            ։ࡰึʿਖ਼பʃଡ଼                                     Committees and panel
            ໨ԫ҅˸ɨணϞʞࡈ੬ண։ࡰึձɓࡈਖ਼பʃଡ଼d                       There are five standing committees and one working panel under
            ࠋபஈଣ္၍҅ʔΝᇍᖚٙʈЪfӊࡈ։ࡰึ඲Ϟ                       the EAA Board to oversee the various aspects of the EAA’s work. All
            ௰ˇɧΤϓࡰd։ࡰึהϞϓࡰޫ္͟၍҅໨ԫ҅                       committees shall consist of at least three members. All committee
            ։΂f                                          members are appointed by the EAA Board.

            ໨ԫ҅͵̙ʔࣛఱஈଣतйԫ֝ϓͭਖ਼பʃଡ଼ʿʈ                       The EAA Board may also set up panels and work groups to deal
            Ъʃଡ଼dϞცࠅࣛd͵̙։΂ڢ္၍҅ϓࡰٙՉ˼                       with particular issues from time to time. When necessary, the EAA
            ɛɻ€у໨ԫ҅։΂ϓࡰਞၾ։ࡰึeਖ਼பʃଡ଼א                      may also appoint other persons (i.e. Board-appointed members)
            ʈЪʃଡ଼ٙʈЪfԷνd໨ԫ҅ϓͭəୋ28ૢሜݟ                      who are not members of the EAA Board to the committees, panels
            ʃଡ଼dࠋப္࿀ήପ˾ଣૢԷ‘ୋ28ૢ஝֛ʘሜݟ                     or work groups. For example, a Section 28 Investigation Panel was
            ᛆɢٙԴ͜ઋرf༈ʃଡ଼සίცࠅࣛᑘБึᙄf༈                       set up to monitor the use of the investigative powers under section
            ʃଡ଼ί2017/18ϋܓԨೌ̜කึᙄf                          28 of the EAO. This Panel will only meet on a need basis. In
                                                         2017/18, there was no meeting held.

            2017/18ϋܓ္၍҅੬ண։ࡰึʿਖ਼பʃଡ଼༱ΐ׵                    The standing committees and working panel of the EAA in 2017/18
            ɨɓࡈ௝ືf                                       are listed in the following section.

            ᔖᛆᇍఖʿϓࡰΤఊ                                    Terms of reference and membership

            ৌਕʿഄଫ೯࢝։ࡰึ                                   Finance and Strategic Development Committee
            ᔖᛆᇍఖj                                        Terms of Reference:
            1.   ޼ӺՈϞڗჃ׌ᅂᚤٙഄଫ׌ᙄᕚ˸௪౤ʹ္                    1.   To consider strategic issues of long-term significance, in
                 ၍҅໨ԫ҅ᄲᙄf                                    preparation for consideration by the Board.

            2.   ᄲࣨࠠࠅٙৌ݁ᙄᕚÑतй݊ሪͦజڌڋᇃe                    2.   To examine issues of major financial significance, in particular,
                 ։΂̮௅ࣨᅰࢪeࡰʈක˕࿁္၍҅ৌً݁ر                        draft statements of accounts, appointment of external
                 ٙᅂᚤeཫၑԫධeڗჃٙৌ݁஝ྌձ༟ପ၍                        auditor, staff cost implications, budgetary matters, long-term
                 ଣdԨਗ਼ܔᙄ౤ʹ္၍҅໨ԫ҅ᄲᙄf                           financial planning and asset management, and to make
                                                             recommendations to the Board for consideration.

            3.   ္ຖɛɢ༟๕၍ଣԫ֝dԨᄲൖʿҭࣨᇜՓݖ                    3.   To oversee human resources management and to review and
                 ࿴ձࠠଡ଼τરeɛɢ஝ྌd˸ʿɛɢ༟๕݁ഄ                        approve establishment structure, reorganisation, manpower
                 ձ೻ҏٙՓࠈf                                     planning and development of human resources policies and

            4.   ޼Ӻࠠࠅٙɛɢ༟๕၍ଣᙄᕚÑˈՉᑚཇݖ                     4.   To examine issues of major significance in human resources
                 ࿴eᑚཇձݵ൨݁ഄd˸ʿ္၍҅ࡰʈ€ܼ̍                        management, in particular, the pay structure, remuneration
                 Б݁ᐼ൒ձᐼ္ٙ໌͜ૢಛձૢ΁dԨਗ਼ܔ                        and allowance policies and terms and conditions of
                 ᙄ౤ʹ္၍҅໨ԫ҅ᄲᙄf                                employment of the EAA employees (including the CEO and
                                                             Directors), and to make recommendations to the Board for

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