Page 30 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 30


            Corporate Governance

              ϓࡰ MEMBERS

            Я౉ਃ˄̻୛ɻ                           Яඩٹɾɻ                           ૑ࣀሬ˄̻୛ɻ

            㛬ਿΊุήପϞࠢʮ̡ήପഄྌ€ɓ                 τ͑ፔ༔؂ਕϞࠢʮ̡Υ͹ɛ                   ༶፩ʿג܊҅ਓ।ࣣڗ€ג܊
            ௅ᐼ຾ଣ                                                              €༶፩ʿג܊҅੬΂।ࣣڗ€ג܊˾ڌ
                                              t  ڮආಥ̨ʹݴݺਗ༟пࠇྌ൙ᄲ
            t  ࠰ಥήପܔணਠึܔጘԫਕ։ࡰ
               ึ։ࡰ                              ։ࡰึϓࡰ                         Ms Esther LEUNG Yuet-yin, JP
            t  ೯࢝҅ɪൡᄲ൒ྠ€ܔጘيϓࡰ                t  ဝุ೯࢝൲ಛਿږᚥਪ։ࡰึϓ
            t  ܔிุᙄึܔிุʈɛൗ̅։ࡰ                   ࡰ                             Deputy Secretary for Transport and
               ึϓࡰ                            t  ဝ༵І್ᚐଣ໇˜ʫήཀಥဝʈ               Housing (Housing)
            t  ͏݁ԫਕᐼ໇˜͹МࡇІ੶™ٟ                   ࠇྌ™ʈЪʃଡ଼։ࡰ                     (Representative of Permanent Secretary
               ਜ՘Ъࠇྌፔ༔։ࡰึϓࡰ                                                   for Transport and Housing
            t  ˥ਕ໇˥ఓʈ೻Ҧஔɪൡ։ࡰึ                 t  ዹ္ͭ࿀ᙆ˙ஈଣҳൡ։ࡰึᝈ
               ϓࡰ                               ࿀ࡰ                            (Housing))
            t  ܔிุᙄึϓࡰ€2008-2014
                                              Ms Avon YUE Nga-fong
            Mr YU Wai-wai, JP
                                              Partner, Ernst & Young Advisory
            General Manager (Project Management
            (1) Department), Henderson Land   Services Limited
            Development Company Limited
                                              t  .FNCFS  "TTFTTNFOU $PNNJUUFF
            t  .FNCFS  $POTUSVDUJPO 4VC o       of Exchanges with Taiwan Funding
               Committee, The Real Estate       Scheme
               Developers Association of Hong   t  .FNCFS  'JTIFSJFT %FWFMPQNFOU
               Kong (REDA)
            t  .FNCFS  "QQFBM 5SJCVOBM 1BOFM    Loan Fund Advisory Committee
               (Buildings) of Development Bureau  t  .FNCFS  .BJOMBOE 'JTIFSNFO
            t  .FNCFS  $POTUSVDUJPO 8PSLFST     Deckhands Scheme
               Registration Board, Construction   t  0CTFSWFS  *OEFQFOEFOU 1PMJDF
               Industry Council
            t  .FNCFS  )PNF "GGBJST %FQBSUNFOU   Complaints Council
               – Advisory Committee on
               Enhancing Self-Reliance Through
               District Partnership Programme
            t  .FNCFS  "QQFBM #PBSE 1BOFM
               Technical Committee on Plumbing,
               Water Supplies Department
               Council (2008-14)

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