Page 34 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 34


            Corporate Governance

            9.   νႩމცࠅdఱ։ࡰึБԴՉᔖঐձᛆɢᐏ՟                    9.   To obtain legal and/or expert advice or service relating to the
                 جܛʿŊאਖ਼ุจԈא؂ਕf                               exercise of the Committee’s functions and powers as and
                                                             when the Committee considers necessary.


             ˴ࢩ Chairman:     ࿋͗ޛ˄̻୛ɻ                      Ms Elaine LIU Yuk-ling, JP
                              ੵѐᘒՅ˄̻୛ɻ                     Mrs Peggy CHEUNG Po-yee, JP

                              ᔝᅃุ༟ଉɽܛࢪ                     Mr Douglas LAM Tak-yip, SC
                              ᖯˆё˄̻୛ɻ                      Ms Jane Curzon LO, JP

                              ю઼͏΋͛                        Mr NG Kai-man
                              ̡ࢯ౉ࠊɾɻ                       Ms Anna SETO Wai-ching
             ϓࡰ Members:
                              ᑽනᓿ΋͛                        Mr Calvin TSE Shun-lai
                              ӓ౱ห௹ɻMH                      Dr Lawrance WONG Dun-king, MH

                              රΈᘴ΋͛                        Mr Ricky WONG Kwong-yiu
                              රਃඪ΋͛MH                      Mr Addy WONG Wai-hung, MH
                              Яඩٹɾɻ                        Ms Avon YUE Nga-fong

                              ੵᘆޜɾɻ                        Ms Winnie CHEUNG Lai-chun

                              Ϫ͗ᛇɾɻ                        Ms Doreen KONG Yuk-foon
                              ெᬅ΋͛                         Mr Anthony KWOK Chong
             Board-appointed   ኇ౶ၪ΋͛                       Mr Alex LAI Sze-wai
                              ҽወശɾɻ                        Ms Sylvia LEE

                              ࿋қ׼΋͛                        Mr LIU Chi-ming
                              ໢ᅉࠊɾɻ                        Ms Jessica YIP Mo-ching

            ೐๫։ࡰึ                                        Licensing Committee
            ᔖᛆᇍఖj                                        Terms of Reference:
            1.   ޼Ӻʿܔᙄήପ˾ଣʿᐄุࡰʘ೯೐஝֛f                     1.   To consider and recommend licensing requirements for estate
                                                             agents and salespersons.

            2.   ޼Ӻʿܔᙄᒀеݔᗳɛɻ೯೐஝֛ٙ๟ۆf                     2.   To consider and recommend the criteria for exemption from
                                                             the licensing requirements for any particular class of persons.

            3.   ္ܸͪ၍҅Б݁௅ژஈଣ೐๫Ŋᐄุ༉ઋႭ׼                    3.   To instruct the EAA Administration to process applications for
                 ࣣٙ͡ሗdԨΣୌΥ೯೐ૢ΁ٙ͡ሗɛ೯̈א                        licences/statements of particulars of business (“SPOBs”) and
                 ᚃ೯Ϟᗫ೐๫Ŋᐄุ༉ઋႭ׼ࣣf                             to grant or renew such licences/SPOBs to applicants meeting
                                                             the licensing requirements.

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