Page 33 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 33

ዚ࿴၍ط Corporate Governance

            ߏܛ։ࡰึ                                        Disciplinary Committee
            ᔖᛆᇍఖj                                        Terms of Reference:
            1.   ࠈܸͭˏձ೻ҏdᆽڭ˸ʮ̻ʿ஫࿏ɓߧٙͭ                    1.   To draw up guidelines and procedures to ensure consistency
                 ఙdஈଣߏܛࡈࣩf                                   and fairness in handling disciplinary cases.

            2.   ટաeϽᅇձݟӺ္͟၍҅ᔷʧЇߏܛ։ࡰ                     2.   To receive, consider and inquire into complaints as mentioned
                 ึd࣬ኽήପ˾ଣૢԷ‘ୋ29(1)ૢהЪٙҳ                     in section 29(1) of the EAO and submissions by the CEO as
                 ൡʿήପ˾ଣૢԷ‘ୋ29(2)ૢ͟Б݁ᐼ൒Ъ                     mentioned in section 29(2) of the EAO that are referred by
                 ̈ٙяࠑdԨίϽᅇ༈ഃҳൡձяࠑܝdආБ                        the EAA to the Committee, and to conduct such inquiry as
                 ՉႩމΥቇٙ޼ৃf                                   the Committee may think fit after having considered such
                                                             complaints and submissions.

            3.   ટաʿݟӺऒʿܵ೐ήପ˾ଣאᐄุࡰٙҳ                     3.   To receive and inquire into complaints lodged against licensed
                 ൡd݊щתᙃ္၍҅ʔࣛΣุޢ೯̈ٙ዁ς                        estate agents or salespersons for breaches of the Code of
                 ςۆ‘eੂุஷѓאܸˏf                                Ethics, practice circulars or guidelines issued to the trade from
                                                             time to time by the EAA.

            4.   ᄲቡ္၍҅࣬ኽήପ˾ଣૢԷ‘ୋ28ૢ։΂                   4.   To consider the reports and recommendations of the
                 ٙሜݟࡰ౤ʹٙజѓʿܔᙄ€຾͟ୋ28ૢሜݟ                       investigator appointed by the EAA under section 28 of the
                 ʃଡ଼ᔷʧdϽᅇఱऒ෶ձܸ၈ᙃ͕אӚϞ፭                        EAO, with referral by the Section 28 Investigation Panel, to
                 ςήପ˾ଣૢԷ‘ૢ˖ٙࡈࣩdආБՉႩމ                        look into suspected and alleged breaches or non-compliance
                 Υቇٙ޼ৃf                                      of the provisions of the EAO and to conduct such inquiry as
                                                             the Committee may think fit after having considered such
                                                             reports and recommendations.

            5.   ܲ๫ήପ˾ଣૢԷ‘ୋ30ૢረʚʘߏܛՓ൒                   5.   To exercise any of the disciplinary powers provided under
                 ᛆdБԴՉႩމቇ຅ٙᛆɢf                               section 30 of the EAO as the Committee considers

            6.   ί೐๫ɪڝ̋։ࡰึႩމቇ຅ٙૢ΁f                       6.   To attach to licences such conditions as the Committee may
                                                             consider appropriate.

            7.   ൖ˷ઋرਗ਼։ࡰึᄲᙄٙʔԄੂุ˓جאҳൡ                    7.   To refer from time to time cases of malpractice or complaints
                 ࡈࣩᔷʹՉ˼։ࡰึd˸کՓࠈʿŊאࡌࠈ݁                        considered by the Committee to other committees for
                 ഄe੬஝א஝Էd੽ϾһϞࣖήੂБ္၍҅ʘ                        formulation and/or revision of policies, practice or regulations
                 ᔖঐf                                         for better discharge of the EAA’s functions.

            8.   ʔࣛܲ։ࡰึ˴ࢩܸˏϓͭɓࡈ͟։ࡰึϓࡰ                    8.   To set up a task force as may from time to time be directed
                 ଡ଼ϓٙʈЪʃଡ଼d˸ੂБ։ࡰึ˴ࢩה։ݼٙ                        by the Committee Chairman, comprising any member(s) of
                 ʈЪdᄲᙄʃଡ଼ٙʈЪഐ؈dʿቇࣛΣ໨ԫ҅                        the Committee, to carry out such tasks as the Committee
                 ౤ʹܔᙄf                                       Chairman may assign; to deliberate on the findings of the
                                                             task force; and to make recommendations to the Board for
                                                             approval as appropriate.

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      31
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