Page 115 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 115

ৌਕజڌ Financial Statements

            2.  Ꮠ͜อࠈʿ຾ࡌࠈʘ࠰ಥৌਕ                            2.  Application of New and Amendments
                 జѓ๟ۆ€˜࠰ಥৌਕజѓ๟ۆ™                            to Hong Kong Financial Reporting
                €ᚃ                                          Standards (¨HKFRSs©) (Continued)

                 ʊ཯бШ֠͊͛ࣖʘ࠰ಥৌਕజѓ๟                            New and revised HKFRSs in issue but not
                 ۆอࠈʿࡌࠈ͉                                     yet effective
                 ္၍҅Ԩ͊౤ۃમ͜˸ɨʊ཯бШ֠͊͛ࣖʘ                        EAA has not early applied the following new and
                 ࠰ಥৌਕజѓ๟ۆอࠈʿࡌࠈ͉j                             amendments to HKFRSs that have been issued but are not yet

                 ࠰ಥৌਕజѓ๟ۆୋ9໮                                 ږፄʈՈ    1
                 HKFRS 9                                     Financial Instruments 1

                 ࠰ಥৌਕజѓ๟ۆୋ15໮                                ܄˒Υߒϗूʿ޴ᗫࡌࠈ         1
                 HKFRS 15                                    Revenue from Contracts with Customers and the related
                                                              Amendments 1

                 ࠰ಥৌਕజѓ๟ۆୋ16໮                                ॡ  ༣  2
                 HKFRS 16                                    Leases 2

                 ࠰ಥৌਕజѓ๟ۆୋ17໮                                ڭᎈΥߒ    4
                 HKFRS 17                                    Insurance Contracts 4

                 ࠰ಥ€਷ყৌਕజѓ༕ᙑ։ࡰึÑ༕ᙑୋ22໮                      ̮࿆ʹ׸ʿཫ˹˾ᄆ        1
                 HK(IFRIC) – Int 22                          Foreign Currency Transactions and Advance Consideration 1

                 ࠰ಥ€਷ყৌਕజѓ༕ᙑ։ࡰึÑ༕ᙑୋ23໮                      ה੻೼ʔᆽ֛׌ٙஈଣ         2
                 HK(IFRIC) – Int 23                          Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments 2

                 ࠰ಥৌਕజѓ๟ۆୋ2໮ࡌࠈ͉                              ˸ٰ΅މਿᓾ˹ಛʹ׸ٙʱᗳʿࠇඎ              1
                 Amendments to HKFRS 2                       Classification and Measurement of Share-based Payment
                                                              Transactions 1

                 ࠰ಥৌਕజѓ๟ۆୋ4໮ࡌࠈ͉                              ၾ࠰ಥৌਕజѓ๟ۆୋ4໮ڭᎈΥߒɓԻᏐٙ͜࠰ಥৌਕ
                                                               జѓ๟ۆୋ9໮ږፄʈՈ         1
                 Amendments to HKFRS 4                       Applying HKFRS 9 Financial Instruments with HKFRS 4
                                                              Insurance Contracts 1

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      113
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