Page 112 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 112


            Financial Statements

            Ꮇ௪ᜊਗڌ                                        Statement of Movements in Reserves
            ࿚Ї2018ϋ3˜31˚˟ϋܓ                              For the year ended 31 March 2018

                                                                        ධͦਿږ          ଢ଼ጐᎷ௪              ᐼࠇ
                                                                         Capital   Cumulative
                                                                    project fund         fund          Total
                                                                            ಥʩ            ಥʩ            ಥʩ
                                                                            HK$           HK$           HK$

            ׵2016ϋ4˜1˚               At 1 April 2016                 111,885,790    51,301,634    163,187,424
            ϋʫޮቱ                     Surplus for the year                     –      6,402,537      6,402,537
            ᔷᅡЇ༟͉ධͦਿږ                Transfer to capital project fund  3,706,369     (3,706,369)           –

            ׵2017ϋ3˜31˚ʿ             At 31 March 2017 and 1 April 2017
             2017ϋ4˜1˚                                               115,592,159    53,997,802    169,589,961
            ϋʫޮቱ                     Surplus for the year                     –      7,114,092      7,114,092
            ᔷᅡЇ༟͉ධͦਿږ                Transfer to capital project fund  4,705,386     (4,705,386)           –

            ׵2018ϋ3˜31˚              At 31 March 2018                120,297,545    56,406,508    176,704,053

            ༟͉ධͦਿږމ͜˸˕˹೯࢝຾ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅€˸                      Capital project fund caters for the cost of capital projects, as
            ɨᔊ၈˜္၍҅™ࣨࡘٙ༟͉ධͦϓ͉f္၍҅ӊ                      approved by Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”). Transfers will be
            ϋึ৤ઋІଢ଼ጐᎷ௪ʕᔷᅡಛධЇ༟͉ධͦਿږd                       made from the cumulative fund to the capital project fund or from
            א͟༟͉ධͦਿږᔷᅡಛධЇଢ଼ጐᎷ௪f                           the capital project fund to the cumulative fund at the discretion of

            ׵2018ϋ3˜31˚d༟͉ධͦਿږഐቱɗཫवЪ˚                    Capital project fund balance at 31 March 2018 of HK$120,297,545
            ܝᒅໄ͑ɮ፬ʮ܃ٙಛධ120,297,545ಥʩ€2017                (2017: HK$115,592,159) represented funds for the acquisition of
            ϋj115,592,159ಥʩf                            permanent office accommodation in future.

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