Page 111 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 111

ৌਕజڌ Financial Statements

            ৌਕًرڌ                                        Statement of Financial Position
            ׵2018ϋ3˜31˚                                  At 31 March 2018

                                                                                         2018           2017
                                                                          ڝൗ              ಥʩ            ಥʩ
                                                                          NOTES           HK$           HK$

            ڢݴਗ༟ପ                      Non-current assets
              يุeዚኜʿண௪                   Property, plant and equipment      8        2,699,244      4,409,909
              ᒅໄيุeዚኜʿண௪ʘ                Deposit paid for acquisition of property,
               ʊ˹ܲږ                      plant and equipment                9      12,950,210              –

                                                                                   15,649,454       4,409,909

            ݴਗ༟ପ                       Current assets
              Ꮠϗሪಛeཫ˹ಛධʿܲږ               Debtors, prepayments and deposits           3,994,762      3,775,077
              ֛ಂπಛ                      Time deposits                      10      21,786,359      87,225,399
              ვБഐቱʿତږ                    Bank balances and cash            10     211,393,631     147,932,054

                                                                                  237,174,752     238,932,530

            ݴਗࠋව                       Current liabilities
              Ꮠ˹ሪಛʿᏐࠇධͦ                  Creditors and accruals                      8,963,443     10,949,365
              ჈ַϗɝ                      Deferred income                    11      62,921,218      57,878,462
              ʊϗ೐๫͡ሗಛධ                   Licence application fees received  12       4,235,492      4,924,651

                                                                                   76,120,153      73,752,478

            ݴਗ༟ପଋ࠽                     Net current assets                         161,054,599     165,180,052

            ᐼ༟ପಯݴਗࠋව                   Total assets less current liabilities      176,704,053     169,589,961

            Ꮇ௪                         Reserves                                   176,704,053     169,589,961

            ༱׵ୋ108Ї134ࠫʘৌਕజڌ׵2018ϋ7˜24˚                  The financial statements on pages 108 to 134 were approved and
            ᐏήପ˾ଣ္၍҅Ό᜗ϓࡰҭࡘʿબᛆ̊೯dԨ͟                       authorised for issue by the members of Estate Agents Authority on
            ˸ɨ˾ڌᖦ໇j                                      24 July 2018 and are signed on their behalf by:

                    ૑͑ୂ                  ᒵੈറ             William LEUNG Wing-cheung         Ruby HON
                     ˴ࢩ                 Б݁ᐼ൒                      Chairman             Chief Executive Officer

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      109
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