Page 113 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 113

ৌਕజڌ Financial Statements

            ତږݴඎڌ                                        Statement of Cash Flows
            ࿚Ї2018ϋ3˜31˚˟ϋܓ                              For the year ended 31 March 2018

                                                                                         2018           2017
                                                                                          ಥʩ            ಥʩ
                                                                                          HK$           HK$

            ᐄ༶ݺਗ                           OPERATING ACTIVITIES
            ϋʫޮቱ                           Surplus for the year                      7,114,092      6,402,537
            ఱɨΐ΢ධЪ̈ሜ዆j                     Adjustments for:
              лࢹϗɝ                          Interest income                         (2,160,616)    (1,821,442)
              ұᔚ                            Depreciation                             2,295,621      2,502,241

            ᐄ༶༟ږᜊਗۃʘᐄ༶ତږݴඎ                 Operating cash flows before movements in
                                            working capital                          7,249,097      7,083,336
            Ꮠϗሪಛeཫ˹ಛධʿܲږᄣ̋                 Increase in debtors, prepayments and deposits  (281,303)  (268,086)
            Ꮠ˹ሪಛʿᏐࠇධͦಯˇ                    Decrease in creditors and accruals       (1,985,922)    (1,727,385)
            ჈ַϗɝᄣ̋                         Increase in deferred income               5,042,756      2,621,966
            ʊϗ೐๫͡ሗಛධ€ಯˇᄣ̋                 (Decrease) increase in licence applications
                                            received                                  (689,159)      137,544

            ᐄ༶ݺਗה੻ତږଋᕘ                     NET CASH FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES        9,335,469      7,847,375

            ҳ༟ݺਗ                           INVESTING ACTIVITIES
            ౤՟֛ಂπಛ                         Withdrawal of time deposits             65,439,040              –
            πໄ֛ಂπಛ                         Placement of time deposits                        –     (3,620,331)
            ᒅໄيุeዚኜʿண௪                     Purchase of property, plant and equipment  (584,956)      (143,800)
            ʊϗлࢹ                           Interest received                         2,222,234      1,621,593
            ᒅໄيุeዚኜʿண௪ʘʊ˹ܲږ                Deposit paid for acquisition of property,
                                             plant and equipment                   (12,950,210)            –

            ҳ༟ݺਗה੻€ה͜ତږଋᕘ                 NET CASH FROM (USED IN) INVESTING
                                            ACTIVITIES                             54,126,108      (2,142,538)

            ତږʿତږഃ࠽يᄣ̋ଋᕘ                   NET INCREASE IN CASH AND
                                            CASH EQUIVALENTS                       63,461,577       5,704,837

            ϋڋٙତږʿତږഃ࠽ي                    CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS
                                             AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR         147,932,054     142,227,217

            ϋ୞ٙତږʿତږഃ࠽ي                    CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS
                                             AT THE END OF THE YEAR               211,393,631     147,932,054

            ତږʿତږഃ࠽يഐቱʱؓ                   ANALYSIS OF BALANCES OF CASH AND
                                            CASH EQUIVALENTS:
            ვБഐቱʿତږ                        Bank balances and cash                 211,393,631     147,932,054

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      111
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