Page 118 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 118


            Financial Statements

            2.  Ꮠ͜อࠈʿ຾ࡌࠈʘ࠰ಥৌਕ                            2.  Application of New and Amendments
                 జѓ๟ۆ€˜࠰ಥৌਕజѓ๟ۆ™                            to Hong Kong Financial Reporting
                €ᚃ                                          Standards (¨HKFRSs©) (Continued)

                 ʊ཯бШ֠͊͛ࣖʘ࠰ಥৌਕజѓ๟                            New and revised HKFRSs in issue but not
                 ۆอࠈʿࡌࠈ͉ €ᚃ                                 yet effective (Continued)
                 ࠰ಥৌਕజѓ๟ۆୋ9໮ږፄʈՈ€ᚃ                          HKFRS 9 Financial Instruments (Continued)
                 t   ఱږፄ༟ପಯ࠽ϾԊdၾ࠰ಥึࠇ๟ۆ                       t    JO SFMBUJPO UP UIF JNQBJSNFOU PG GJOBODJBM BTTFUT  ),'34
                     ୋ39໮˜ږፄʈՈjᆽႩʿࠇඎ™ɨܲ                           9 requires an expected credit loss model, as opposed to
                     ʊପ͛ڦ൲ᑦฦᅼόࠇၑ޴ˀd࠰ಥৌ                            an incurred credit loss model under HKAS 39 Financial
                     ਕజѓ๟ۆୋ9໮஝֛મ͜ཫಂڦ൲ᑦ                            Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (“HKAS
                     ฦᅼόfཫಂڦ൲ᑦฦᅼόცࠅྼ᜗׵                            39”). The expected credit loss model requires an entity
                     ΢జѓ˚ಂਗ਼ཫಂڦ൲ᑦฦʿ༈ഃཫಂ                            to account for expected credit losses and changes in
                     ڦ൲ᑦฦٙᜊਗɝሪd˸ˀ݈ڦ൲ࠬᎈ                            those expected credit losses at each reporting date to
                     Іڋ֐ᆽႩ˸Ըٙᜊਗf౬Ԋʘdˡ඲                            reflect changes in credit risk since initial recognition. In
                     Ύܙ೯͛ڦ൲ԫ΁у̙ᆽႩڦ൲ᑦฦf                            other words, it is no longer necessary for a credit event
                                                                  to have occurred before credit losses are recognised.

                 ࣬ኽ္၍҅׵2018ϋ3˜31˚ٙږፄʈՈʿ                      Based on EAA’s financial instruments and risk management
                 ࠬᎈ၍ଣ݁ഄd္၍҅၍ଣᄴཫಂڋ֐મ͜࠰                        policies as at 31 March 2018, management of EAA anticipates
                 ಥৌਕజѓ๟ۆୋ9໮ਗ਼ึପ͛˸ɨᆑίᅂᚤj                       the following potential impact on initial application of HKFRS

                 ʱᗳʿࠇඎ                                       Classification and measurement
                 הϞږፄ༟ପʿږፄࠋවਗ਼ᘱᚃܲ࠰ಥึࠇ๟                        All financial assets and financial liabilities will continue to be
                 ۆୋ39໮ɨ຅ۃࠇඎٙ޴Νਿ๟ࠇඎf                          measured on the same bases as are currently measured under
                                                             HKAS 39.

                 ಯ࠽                                          Impairment
                 ɓছϾԊd္၍҅၍ଣᄴཫಂdમ͜࠰ಥৌਕ                        In general, management of EAA anticipates that the
                 జѓ๟ۆୋ9໮ٙཫಂڦ൲ᑦฦᅼόਗ਼ኬߧ౤                        application of the expected credit loss model of HKFRS 9 will
                 ۃࠇ౤ڦ൲ᑦฦᅡ௪dϾ္၍҅ܲᛅቖϓ͉ࠇ                        result in earlier provision of credit losses which are not yet
                 ඎٙږፄ༟ପʿՉ˼ධͦ඲׵္၍҅મ͜࠰ಥ                        incurred in relation to the EAA’s financial assets measured at
                 ৌਕజѓ๟ۆୋ9໮ܝࠇ౤ͦۃ֠͊ପ͛ٙڦ                        amortised costs and other items that subject to the
                 ൲ᑦฦf                                        impairment provisions upon application of HKFRS 9 by EAA.

                 ਿ׵္၍҅၍ଣᄴٙ൙ПdՉཫࠇ࠰ಥৌਕజ                        Based on the assessment by management of EAA, it is
                 ѓ๟ۆୋ9໮ٙྼ݄ਗ਼ʔึ࿁္၍ุ҅ٙᐶʿ                        anticipated that the application of the HKFRS 9 will have no
                 ৌਕًرପ͛ࠠɽৌਕᅂᚤf                               material financial impacts on the results and the financial
                                                             position of EAA.

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