Page 120 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 120
Financial Statements
2. Ꮠ͜อࠈʿࡌࠈʘ࠰ಥৌਕ 2. Application of New and Amendments
జѓۆ࠰ಥৌਕజѓۆ to Hong Kong Financial Reporting
ᚃ Standards (¨HKFRSs©) (Continued)
ʊбШ֠͊͛ࣖʘ࠰ಥৌਕజѓ New and revised HKFRSs in issue but not
ۆอࠈʿࡌࠈ͉ ᚃ yet effective (Continued)
࠰ಥৌਕజѓۆୋ15܄˒Υߒϗू HKFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with
ᚃ Customers (Continued)
ɚཧɓʬϋd࠰ಥึࠇࢪʮึ೯ڌ࠰ಥৌਕ In 2016, the HKICPA issued Clarifications to HKFRS 15 in
జѓۆୋ15ʘᆋdʫ࢙Ϟᗫ࿁ᄵߒப relation to the identification of performance obligations,
ٙᗆйe˴ԫɛၾ˾ଣɛ˾ᄆ˸ʿ͡ሗ principal versus agent considerations, as well as licensing
ܸˏf application guidance.
္၍҅ٙ၍ଣᄴཫࠇ࠰ಥৌਕజѓۆୋ15 Management of EAA does not expect that the application of
ٙྼ݄ਗ਼ʔึ࿁္၍҅ٙৌਕజڌପ͛ࠠɽ HKFRS 15 will have a significant impact, when applied, on the
ᅂᚤf EAA’s financial statements.
࠰ಥৌਕజѓۆୋ16ॡ༣ HKFRS 16 Leases
࠰ಥৌਕజѓۆୋ16މᗆй̈ॡɛʿו HKFRS 16 introduces a comprehensive model for the
ॡɛٙॡ༣τરʿึࠇஈଣˏɝɓࡈΌࠦᅼ identification of lease arrangements and accounting
όf࠰ಥৌਕజѓۆୋ16͛ࣖࣛdਗ਼ treatments for both lessors and lessees. HKFRS 16 will
՟˾࠰ಥึࠇۆୋ17ॡ༣ʿᗫٙ༕ᙑf supersede HKAS 17 Leases and the related interpretations
when it becomes effective.
࠰ಥৌਕజѓۆୋ16࣬ኽהᗆй༟ପ݊ HKFRS 16 distinguishes lease and service contracts on the
щ͟܄˒છՓԸਜʱॡ༣ʿਕΥߒfৰಂ basis of whether an identified asset is controlled by a
ॡ༣ʿЭ࠽༟ପॡ༣̮dᐄʿፄ༟ॡ༣ٙࢨ customer. Distinctions of operating leases and finance leases
ମІוॡɛึࠇஈଣʕৰdԨ͟וॡɛఱ are removed for lessee accounting, and is replaced by a model
הϞॡ༣ᆽႩԴ͜ᛆ༟ପʿᏐࠋවٙᅼόಁ where a right-of-use asset and a corresponding liability have
˾f to be recognised for all leases by lessees, except for short-
term leases and leases of low value assets.
Դ͜ᛆ༟ପڋӉܲϓ͉ࠇඎdᎇܝܲϓ͉߰ The right-of-use asset is initially measured at cost and
ʍԷ̮ઋرৰ̮ಯଢ଼ࠇұᔚʿಯ࠽ᑦฦࠇ subsequently measured at cost (subject to certain exceptions)
ඎdॡ༣ࠋවОࠠอࠇඎሜfॡ༣ࠋව less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses,
ڋӉܲࣛ͊˕˹ॡ༣˹ಛତ࠽ࠇඎfᎇܝd adjusted for any remeasurement of the lease liability. The
ॡ༣ࠋවՉʕܼ̍лࢹʿॡ༣˹ಛd˸ʿ lease liability is initially measured at the present value of the
ॡ༣ࡌҷᅂᚤʚ˸ሜfఱତږݴʱᗳϾ lease payments that are not paid at that date. Subsequently,
Ԋd ൮ණྠତࣛяΐಂཫ˹ॡ༣ಛධЪމ the lease liability is adjusted for interest and lease payments,
ϞᗫІ͜ॡ༣ɺήʿ༈ഃʱᗳމҳ༟يุٙҳ as well as the impact of lease modifications, amongst others.
༟ତږݴdϾՉ˼ᐄॡ༣˹ಛяΐމᐄତ For the classification of cash flows, the Group currently
ږݴfίྼ݄࠰ಥৌਕజѓۆୋ16ܝd presents upfront prepaid lease payments as investing cash
Ϟᗫॡ༣ࠋවॡ༣˹ಛਗ਼ʱৣЇ͉ږʿлࢹ flows in relation to leasehold lands for owned use and those
ʱdϤਗ਼яΐމፄ༟ତږݴf classified as investment properties while other operating lease
payments are presented as operating cash flows. Upon
application of HKFRS 16, lease payments in relation to lease
liability will be allocated into a principal and an interest
portion which will be presented as financing cash flows.
118 &45"5& "(&/54 "65)03*5: t Annual Report 2017/18