Page 110 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 110


            Financial Statements

            ϗ˕ഐၑڌ                                        Statement of Income and Expenditure
            ࿚Ї2018ϋ3˜31˚˟ϋܓ                              For the year ended 31 March 2018

                                                                                         2018           2017
                                                                          ڝൗ              ಥʩ            ಥʩ
                                                                          NOTES           HK$           HK$

            ϗɝ                         Income
              ೐๫൬                       Licence fees                        5      77,302,651      75,528,912
              Ͻ༊൬                       Examination fees                    6        8,231,550      6,191,900
              лࢹϗɝ                      Interest income                              2,160,616      1,821,442

                                                                                   87,694,817      83,542,254

            ˕̈                         Expenditure
              ࣨᅰࢪཇږ                     Auditor’s remuneration                         69,000         69,000
              ʮ଺઺ԃක˕                     Community education expenses                1,965,972      2,066,662
              ҳൡeሜݟʿߏܛ޼ৃٙ˕̈   Complaints, investigation and
                                         disciplinary proceedings expenses            148,250        141,309
              ұᔚ                        Depreciation                        8        2,295,621      2,502,241
              ኜҿၪࡌڭቮʿஷৃ൬͜                Equipment maintenance and
                                         communication expenses                      1,602,470      1,475,579
              ήପ˾ଣᗇ˕̈                    Estate agent card expenses                    90,630         97,389
              ڭᎈ൬                       Insurance                                    1,182,436      1,104,952
              ӛԓᐄ༶˕̈                     Motor vehicle operating expenses             189,922        195,064
              ፬ʮ܃ʿ޴ᗫක˕                   Office accommodation and related
                                         expenses                                    2,532,625      2,616,520
              ຾ᐄॡ༣ॡږ  —  ɺήʿᅽρ           Operating lease rentals in respect of
                                         land and buildings                          9,095,937      9,097,586
              ඉ൬                        Postage                                       370,140        295,327
              ΙՏʿ˖Ո                      Printing and stationery                      469,220        408,368
              ਖ਼ุ؂ਕ൬͜                     Professional service fees                    100,000         34,000
              ʮ΍ᗫڷʿᑌഖ൬                   Public relations and liaison                  34,567         37,873
              ܁ෂʿᄿѓ                      Publicity and advertising                    339,778         70,000
              ࡰʈϓ͉                      Staff costs
               — ᑚږʿݵ൨                     — wages, salaries and allowances        51,302,637      49,827,444
               — ੶Փ׌ʮጐږԶಛ                  — contributions to mandatory
                                            provident fund scheme                    1,442,438      1,401,910
              Ͻ༊؂ਕ൬                      Service fees for examinations               5,952,265      4,532,218
              ੃৅ݺਗක˕                     Training activity expenses                   816,957        689,023
              Չ˼ක˕                      Other expenses                                579,860        477,252

                                                                                   80,580,725      77,139,717

            ϋʫޮቱʿՉ˼Όࠦϗूᐼᕘ              Surplus and total comprehensive
                                         income for the year                         7,114,092      6,402,537

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