Page 108 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 108


            Independent Auditor’s Report

            ࣨᅰࢪఱᄲࠇৌਕజڌ඲וዄٙ                               Auditor’s Responsibilities for the
            ப΂                                           Audit of the Financial Statements

            Ңࡁٙͦᅺ݊࿁ৌਕజڌ዆᜗݊щʔπί͟׵ಜൟ                       Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether
            א፹ႬϾኬߧٙࠠɽ፹Ⴌ௓ࠑ՟੻ΥଣڭᗇdԨ̈                       the financial statements as a whole are free from material
            Ոܼ̍ҢࡁจԈٙࣨᅰࢪజѓfҢࡁ࣬ኽήପ˾ଣ                      misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an
            ૢԷ‘ୋ12ૢසΣЪމɓ࢕ዚ࿴္ٙ၍҅̈Ոࣨᅰ                      auditor’s report that includes our opinion solely to you, as a body,
            ࢪజѓdৰϤʘ̮ࣨᅰࢪజѓйೌՉ˼ͦٙfҢࡁ                       in accordance with section 12 of the Estate Agents Ordinance, and
            ʔึఱ͉జѓٙʫ࢙Σ΂ОՉ˼ɛɻࠋɪ΂Оப΂                       for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibility towards or
            אוዄ΂Оجܛப΂fΥଣڭᗇ݊৷˥๟ٙڭᗇd                       accept liability to any other person for the contents of this report.
            Шܲ๫࠰ಥᄲࠇ๟ۆ‘ආБٙᄲࠇԨʔڭᗇᐼঐ೯                      Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a
            ତהπίٙࠠɽ፹Ⴌ௓ࠑf፹Ⴌ௓ࠑ̙͟ಜൟא፹                       guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with HKSAs will
            Ⴌˏৎdν؈ܲΥଣཫಂ༈ഃ፹Ⴌ௓ࠑאึࡈйא                       always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements
            ᐼ᜗ᅂᚤৌਕజڌԴ͜٫࠿፠ϤഃৌਕజڌהЪٙ                       can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if,
            ຾᏶Ӕഄdۆ஗ൖЪࠠɽ፹Ⴌ௓ࠑf                             individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected
                                                         to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of
                                                         these financial statements.

            ί࣬ኽ࠰ಥᄲࠇ๟ۆ‘ආБᄲࠇٙཀ೻ʕdҢࡁ༶                      As part of an audit in accordance with HKSAs, we exercise
            ͜ਖ਼ุкᓙԨڭܵਖ਼ุᕿဲ࿒ܓfҢࡁ͵j                          professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism
                                                         throughout the audit. We also:

            t    ᗆйʿ൙ПΪಜൟא፹ႬϾኬߧৌਕజڌπί                    t   *EFOUJGZ BOE BTTFTT UIF SJTLT PG NBUFSJBM NJTTUBUFNFOU PG UIF
                 ࠠɽ፹Ⴌ௓ࠑٙࠬᎈdணࠇʿੂБᄲࠇ೻ҏ˸                        financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design
                 Ꮠ࿁Ϥഃࠬᎈd˸ʿᐏ՟̂ԑʿቇ຅ٙᄲࠇኯ                        and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and
                 ᗇdЪމҢࡁจԈٙਿᓾf͟׵ಜൟ̙ঐऒʿ                        obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to
                 Еፑe৽ிeႅจ፲ဍḛྼ௓ࠑdאࡗቷ׵                        provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a
                 ʫ௅္છʘɪdΪϤd͊ঐ೯ତΪಜൟኬߧ̈                        material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for
                 ତࠠɽ፹Ⴌ௓ࠑٙࠬᎈd৷׵͊ঐ೯ତΪ፹Ⴌ                        one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion,
                 ኬߧ̈ତࠠɽ፹Ⴌ௓ࠑٙࠬᎈf                              forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the
                                                             override of internal control.

            t    ə༆ၾᄲࠇ޴ᗫٙʫ௅္છd˸ணࠇቇ຅ٙᄲ                    t   0CUBJO BO VOEFSTUBOEJOH PG JOUFSOBM DPOUSPM SFMFWBOU UP UIF
                 ࠇ೻ҏdШͦٙԨڢ࿁္၍҅ʫ௅္છٙϞࣖ                        audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate
                 ׌೯ڌจԈf                                      in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an
                                                             opinion on the effectiveness of Estate Agents Authority’s
                                                             internal control.

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