Page 104 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
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            Forward Looking in Knowledge Instillation

            ္၍҅͵ீཀཥඉא׵ၣ१ɪٙतйஷѓ˸೯̈ߧ                       The EAA also issues letters or reminders to licensees in the form of
            ܵ೐ɛՌ΁א౤ͪdᙆ፴ุޢءจɓԬϞᗫੂุٙ                       email or special notices published on the EAA’s website to alert
            ஝֛ʿִ݁͟೯̈ٙ౤ͪאણ݄fί2017/18ϋܓd                   them to certain requirements relating to the estate agency practice,
            ္၍҅Υ΍೯̈ə18ࡈϤഃߧܵ೐ɛՌ΁אஷѓf                      and reminders or new measures from the Government. In 2017/18,
            Ϥ̮d္၍҅͵׵ϋʫ̈وə̬ಂܵ೐ɛஷৃਖ਼ุ                      a total of 18 such letters or notices were issued. In addition, four
            ˂ή‘dᜫܵ೐ɛٝ઄҅˙௰อٙ஝၍ણ݄ʿݺਗf                      issues of the EAA’s newsletter for licensees, Horizons, were
            ʮ଺ɛɻ͵̙׵္၍҅፬ԫஈ॰՟༈ஷৃא׵္၍                       published in the year to keep licensees abreast of the EAA’s
            ҅ၣ१ᓭᚎཥɿو͉fί2017/18ϋܓd္၍҅ɰ                    regulatory measures and our latest activities. Members of the public
            ீཀ̈ࢩʔΝุٙޢݺਗdၾุޢڭܵၡ੗ᑌᖩf                       could also collect a copy of the newsletter at the EAA office or read
                                                         the e-version at the EAA’s website. The EAA also maintained a
                                                         cordial relationship with the trade by attending different trade
                                                         events in 2017/18.

            ၾՉ˼ܵ΅٫ٙʹݴʿᑌᖩ                                 Exchanges and liaisons with other
            ৰၾ੽ุࡰᑌᖩ̮d္၍҅͵ၾִ݁eՉ˼ਖ਼ุྠ                       Apart from liaisons with practitioners, the EAA also keeps a good
            ᜗ձʮ଺ഃ̮ޢܵ΅٫ڭܵԄλᗫڷfϋʫd္၍                       relationship with external stakeholders, including the Government,
            ҅ఱִ݁࿁͂Ꮨݹ፺ʿࢵ׈ʱɿ༟ږᘪණ€ږፄዚ                      other professional bodies and the public. In the year, regarding the
            ࿴ૢԷ‘ה౤̈ٙࡌࠈܔᙄdܵᚃዄ຅䋠ִ݁ձή                      Government’s proposed amendments to the Anti-Money
            ପ˾ଣุޢٙ๖ஷ዗ᆃfఱ䋠ִ݁̋੶࿁ܸ֛ڢږ                       Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions)
            ፄБุʿਖ਼ุ͂Ꮨݹල፺ج஝ٙͭجܔᙄd္၍҅                       Ordinance, the EAA consistently acted as a bridge between the
            ͵׵2017ϋ2˜ᒗሗุޢ˾ڌ̈ࢩִ݁މήପ˾ଣ                     Government and the estate agency trade. The EAA also invited
            ุϾணٙᔊజึf္၍҅͵ᑘБəʔΝٙึᙄd˸                       trade representatives to attend a Government briefing session for
            ϗණุޢ࿁׵ྼ݄הცણ݄ٙจԈfήପ˾ଣϞ̀                       the estate agency sector on the legislative proposals to enhance the
            ࠅə༆޴ᗫִٙ݁ج஝ʿ̹ఙٙ௰อ೯࢝f္၍҅                       Anti-Money Laundering Regulation of designated non-financial
            ֛ಂၾʔΝִٙ݁௅ژʿʮ΍ዚ࿴ᑌᖩdܼ̍܊ρ                       businesses and professions in February 2017. Different meetings
            ໇eɺήൗ̅ஈeऊ൬٫։ࡰึe̻ഃዚึ։ࡰ                        were also held to gather the opinions from the trade on the
            ึeᘩنԫਕ։ࡰึʿࡈɛ༟ࣘӷᒯਖ਼ࡰʮ໇ഃd                       implementation of the required measures. It is essential for estate
            ᜫܵ೐ɛ੽வԬ௅ژאዚ࿴ஈ੻ٝၾήପ˾ଣุ޴                       agents to keep informed of relevant government regulations and
            ᗫٙ௰อ༟ৃf                                      new developments in the market. The EAA interacts consistently
                                                         with different government departments and public bodies such as
                                                         Buildings Department, Land Registry, Consumer Council, Equal
                                                         Opportunities Commission, Competition Commission and Privacy
                                                         Commissioner for Personal Data, etc. Licensees are being informed
                                                         of updated information relating to the estate agency sector from
                                                         these departments and bodies.

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