Page 7 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 7

ዚ࿴ᔊʧ Corporate Profile

            ᗴ౻ၾԴն                                        Vision & Mission

            Ңࡁٙᗴ౻                                        Our Vision

            ္၍҅ߧɢ׵                                       The EAA strives for
            t    ί஝၍ήପ˾ଣุޢٙੂุɪ৛Ӌՙ൳ϓᐶd                    t   FYDFMMFODF JO SFHVMBUJOH UIF QSBDUJDF PG UIF FTUBUF BHFODZ
                 ˸ڭღऊ൬٫ٙᛆूiʿ                                 trade, for the protection of consumers’ interests; and

            t    ˕ܵήପ˾ଣਖ਼ุʔᓙ೯࢝d˸ᐏ՟ٟึయ                     t   TVQQPSUJOH UIF EFWFMPQNFOU PG BO FTUBUF BHFODZ QSPGFTTJPO
                 ࠠf                                          worthy of the respect of the community.

            ҢࡁٙԴն                                        Our Mission
            ஝၍࠰ಥήପ˾ଣุٙੂุd౤ʺ੽ุࡰٙਖ਼ุঐ                       To regulate the practice of estate agency in Hong Kong, raise the
            ɢdԨމุޢࠈͭ৷ٙ༸ᅃᅺ๟ձ዁ςf                           competence of practitioners and set high standards of ethics and
                                                         conduct befitting the trade.

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      5
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