Page 121 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 121
ৌਕజڌ Financial Statements
2. Ꮠ͜อࠈʿࡌࠈʘ࠰ಥৌਕ 2. Application of New and Amendments
జѓۆ࠰ಥৌਕజѓۆ to Hong Kong Financial Reporting
ᚃ Standards (¨HKFRSs©) (Continued)
ʊбШ֠͊͛ࣖʘ࠰ಥৌਕజѓ New and revised HKFRSs in issue but not
ۆอࠈʿࡌࠈ͉ ᚃ yet effective (Continued)
࠰ಥৌਕజѓۆୋ16ॡ༣ᚃ HKFRS 16 Leases (Continued)
ˢוॡɛึࠇجϾԊd࠰ಥৌਕజѓۆୋ In contrast to lessee accounting, HKFRS 16 substantially
16ɽߧɪᔷו࠰ಥึࠇۆୋ17ʘ̈ॡ carries forward the lessor accounting requirements in HKAS
ɛึࠇج֛dԨᘱᚃࠅӋ̈ॡɛਗ਼ॡ༣ʱᗳ 17, and continues to require a lessor to classify a lease either
މᐄॡ༣אፄ༟ॡ༣fϤ̮d࠰ಥৌਕజѓ as an operating lease or a finance lease. Furthermore,
ۆୋ16֛Ъ̈һ༉းמᚣf extensive disclosures are required by HKFRS 16.
2018ϋ3˜31˚dνڝൗ14המᚣd္၍ As at 31 March 2018, EAA has non-cancellable operating
҅ܵϞٙʔ̙ቖᐄॡ༣וዄމ5,465,680 lease commitments of HK$5,465,680 as disclosed in note 14.
ಥʩfڋӉ൙Пڌd༈ഃτરਗ਼ୌΥ࠰ಥৌ A preliminary assessment indicates that the arrangement will
ਕజѓۆୋ16ධɨॡ༣່֛ٙdΪϤd meet the definition of a lease under HKFRS 16, and hence
္၍҅ਗ਼ఱהϞ༈ഃॡ༣ᆽႩԴ͜ᛆ༟ପʿ EAA will recognise a right-of-use asset and a corresponding
ᏐࠋවdৰڢίᏐ͜࠰ಥৌਕజѓۆୋ16 liability in respect of all these leases unless they qualify for low
ܝՉୌΥЭᄆ࠽אಂॡ༣f value or short-term leases upon the application of HKFRS 16.
Ϥ̮d္၍҅ͦۃႩމʊ˹ٙ2,095,182ಥʩ In addition, EAA currently considers refundable rental deposits
̙ٙৗᒔॡږܲږމ࠰ಥึࠇۆୋ17ቇ paid of HK$2,095,182 as rights and obligations under leases
ٙ͜ॡ༣ɨᛆлʿ່ਕfԱኽ࠰ಥৌਕజѓ to which HKAS 17 applies. Based on the definition of lease
ۆୋ16ɨॡ༣ಛ່֛ٙdɪࠑܲږԨڢၾ payments under HKFRS 16, such deposits are not payments
Դ͜ᗫ༟ପٙᛆлϞᗫٙಛධfΪϤdɪࠑ relating to the right to use the underlying assets, accordingly,
ܲږٙሪࠦږᕘ̙ሜЇᛅቖϓ͉dʿϞᗫሜ the carrying amounts of such deposits may be adjusted to
ᕘൖމᕘ̮ॡ༣ಛf࿁̙ৗᒔٙʊ˹ॡږܲ amortised cost and such adjustments are considered as
ږЪ̈ٙሜࠇɝԴ͜ᛆ༟ପٙሪࠦږᕘ additional lease payments. Adjustments to refundable rental
ʕf deposits paid would be included in the carrying amount of
right-of-use assets.
Ϥ̮dમ͜อ֛̙ঐึኬߧɪ˖הࠑٙࠇ In addition, the application of new requirements may result
ඎeяΐʿמᚣ೯͛ᜊਗf್Ͼdί၍ଣᄴҁ changes in measurement, presentation and disclosure as
ϓ༉းᄲቡۃdೌجΥଣПࠇৌਕᅂᚤf indicated above. However, it is not practicable to provide a
reasonable estimate of the financial effect until the
management complete a detailed review.
ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ 119