Code on Access to Information

The EAA has designated the Director of Services & Professional Development as the Access to Information Officer who is responsible for ensuring that requests for access to information under the EAA’s Code on Access to Information are properly dealt with in accordance with specific procedures.

Information published or made available routinely

The following information is available for public inspection at the EAA’s office:
  1. Estate Agents Ordinance and its subsidiary legislation
  2. EAA practice circulars
  3. EAA organisation chart
  4. Annual Reports
  5. public registers established under the Estate Agents Ordinance
  6. hard copies of EAA publications, booklets, pamphlets and leaflets (while stock lasts)
The following information is available on this website:
  1. information on the EAA, including its organizational structure, vision and mission, services and performance pledges
  2. information on the EAA licensing and regulatory regime
  3. information for the estate agency trade practitioners, including legislation, practice regulations, code of ethics, practice guide and circulars, activities under the continuing professional development scheme, forms
  4. licence list
  5. annual reports, other publications, booklets, pamphlets, articles, press releases, examination syllabi, sample questions and answers, e-quizzes
For access to other information not listed above, please forward your requests to the EAA’s Access to Information Officer.

Procedures and Charges

Requests for information held by the EAA which is not published or made available routinely may be made verbally by calling EAA’s hotline at 2111-2777 or by email, letter or application form.

Oral requests may only be acceded to where the information sought can be provided readily, simply and in a straightforward manner, such as by oral replies or provision of leaflets or standard forms. EAA staff may, however, ask for an oral request to be made in writing (including by email, letter or application form) where necessary or appropriate. The application form is obtainable from the EAA at Room 2601, 26/F, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, or you may download it here. All written requests made by email, letter or application form should be addressed to the Access to Information Officer.

Processing requests for information requires use of EAA resources. A processing fee of HK$50.00, subject to revision, is required to be payable for each piece of information requested in writing and must accompany the request for information or, at the discretion of the EAA, be paid before the release of information.

Other than publications which are available free of charge or at cost specified (while stock lasts), photocopying charge and black and white printouts of information will also be levied at HK$1.00 per page of A4 size and HK$1.50 per page of A3 size, subject to revision. Information available at this website can be downloaded free of charge (subject to the copyright restrictions set out at this website).

EAA's Code on Access to Information

Ascertain if the person concerned is currently licensed and the details of the licence

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Useful quick links for Licensees

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Useful information before becoming an estate agent

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Useful information and advice for consumers

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