Estate Agents encouraged to upgrade professional knowledge

In order to promote competence among practitioners, the EAA is going to launch a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Scheme for practitioners in the estate agency profession in mid 2005. It will operate on a voluntary basis for the first two years. The opportune time to progress to the mandatory phase will be determined in light of experience gained during the voluntary phase.

The CPD programmes will be classified into core and non-core subjects. Core subjects are mainly those relating to law and compliance issues, while non-core subjects are those that will enhance general competence among practitioners.

Both estate agents and salespersons are encouraged to acquire 10 credit points per CPD period (generally 12 months), comprising 6 credit points from core subjects and 4 credit points from non-core subjects. In the spirit of life-long learning, CPD points cannot be carried over from one CPD period to another.

The modes of learning may include seminars and conventional classroom lectures, e-quiz, workshops, web-based distance learning, courses leading to an award in the form of a certificate, diploma or other awards, teaching EAA related CPD activities, participating in EAA committee work, and writing learned articles, etc.

Different CPD programmes will be allotted different credit points according to its nature and demand on the student. For example, conventional classroom lectures may be allotted one credit point per lecture hour while workshops or other interactive activities requiring intensive student preparation or participation may be allotted greater weight.

While non-participation will not attract penalties during the voluntary phase, a certificate of CPD attainment will be awarded to practitioners meeting the target 10 CPD points as a token of appreciation of their self-enrichment efforts and support for the CPD Scheme.

Details of the Scheme will be provided to all licensees before the Scheme is implemented, and will also be posted to the EAA website and the Professional Development Hotline 2150 2468.

Each licensee will receive a CPD Information Pack from the EAA comprising bilingual Guidelines and other essential information before the Scheme is launched.


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