附表2 Schedule 2

Tenants Purchase Scheme estates available for sale in the HOS Secondary Market Scheme* (from the Housing Authority Hotline and for reference only)

可供在「居屋第二市場計劃」出售的「租者置其屋計劃」屋村* (本名單來源為房委會熱線,僅作參考之用)

屋邨名稱 Name of Estates 地區 District
華貴邨 Wah Kwai Estate 香港仔 Aberdeen
翠灣邨 Tsui Wan Estate
峰華邨 Fung Wah Estate
柴灣 Chai Wan
鳳德邨 Fung Tak Estate
竹園北邨 Chuk Yuen North Estate
黃大仙(下一)邨 Lower Wong Tai Sin Estate
黃大仙 Wong Tai Sin
李鄭屋邨 Lei Cheng Uk Estate 深水埗 Sham Shui Po
德田邨 Tak Tin Estate
興田邨 Hing Tin Estate
藍田邨 Lam Tin
彩霞邨 Choi Ha Estate 牛頭角 Ngau Tau Kok
東頭二邨 Tung Tau Estate 九龍中 Kowloon Central
翠屏北邨 Tsui Ping Estate North 秀茂坪 Sau Mau Ping
恆安邨 Heng On Estate
耀安邨 Yiu On Estate
馬鞍山 Ma On Shan
顯徑邨 Hin Keng Estate 大圍 Tai Wai
廣源邨 Kwong Yuen Estate
博康邨 Pok Hong Estate
沙田 Shatin
景林邨 King Lam Estate 將軍澳 Tseung Kwan O
葵興邨 Kwai Hing Estate 葵涌 Kwai Chung
長安邨 Cheung On Estate
青衣邨 Tsing Yi Estate
青衣 Tsing Yi
運頭塘邨 Wan Tau Tong Estate
太和邨 Tai Wo Estate
富亨邨 Fu Heng Estate
大埔 Tai Po
天平邨 Tin Ping Estate 上水邨 Sheung Shui
華明邨 Wah Ming Estate
太平邨 Tai Ping Estate
粉嶺 Fanling
建生邨 Kin Sang Estate
田景邨 Tin King Estate
良景邨 Leung King Estate
屯門 Tuen Mun


*Whether individual flats are available for sale in the HOS Secondary Market Scheme depends on the expiration of 2 years from the date of Assignment of the relevant flats under the Tenants Purchase Scheme.


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