附表2 Schedule 2
Tenants Purchase Scheme estates available for sale in the HOS Secondary Market Scheme* (from the Housing Authority Hotline and for reference only)
可供在「居屋第二市場計劃」出售的「租者置其屋計劃」屋村* (本名單來源為房委會熱線,僅作參考之用)
屋邨名稱 Name of Estates |
地區 District |
華貴邨 Wah Kwai Estate |
香港仔 Aberdeen |
翠灣邨 Tsui Wan Estate
峰華邨 Fung Wah Estate |
柴灣 Chai Wan |
鳳德邨 Fung Tak Estate
竹園北邨 Chuk Yuen North Estate
黃大仙(下一)邨 Lower Wong Tai Sin Estate |
黃大仙 Wong Tai Sin |
李鄭屋邨 Lei Cheng Uk Estate |
深水埗 Sham Shui Po |
德田邨 Tak Tin Estate
興田邨 Hing Tin Estate |
藍田邨 Lam Tin |
彩霞邨 Choi Ha Estate |
牛頭角 Ngau Tau Kok |
東頭二邨 Tung Tau Estate |
九龍中 Kowloon Central |
翠屏北邨 Tsui Ping Estate North |
秀茂坪 Sau Mau Ping |
恆安邨 Heng On Estate
耀安邨 Yiu On Estate |
馬鞍山 Ma On Shan |
顯徑邨 Hin Keng Estate |
大圍 Tai Wai |
廣源邨 Kwong Yuen Estate
博康邨 Pok Hong Estate |
沙田 Shatin |
景林邨 King Lam Estate |
將軍澳 Tseung Kwan O |
葵興邨 Kwai Hing Estate |
葵涌 Kwai Chung |
長安邨 Cheung On Estate
青衣邨 Tsing Yi Estate |
青衣 Tsing Yi |
運頭塘邨 Wan Tau Tong Estate
太和邨 Tai Wo Estate
富亨邨 Fu Heng Estate |
大埔 Tai Po |
天平邨 Tin Ping Estate |
上水邨 Sheung Shui |
華明邨 Wah Ming Estate
太平邨 Tai Ping Estate |
粉嶺 Fanling |
建生邨 Kin Sang Estate
田景邨 Tin King Estate
良景邨 Leung King Estate |
屯門 Tuen Mun |
*Whether individual flats are available for sale in the HOS Secondary Market Scheme depends on the expiration of 2 years from the date of Assignment of the relevant flats under the Tenants Purchase Scheme.