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 Licence List 

This list of licences is provided for the purpose of facilitating members of the public to ascertain whether the person concerned is currently licensed and, if so, the relevant details of the licence. The information obtained from this search should not be used for any other purpose and users shall in all respects comply with all applicable laws.


This list is not the Register stipulated under section 13 of the Estate Agents Ordinance. This list contains certain information of those licences which are currently valid. If you wish to obtain  more information about a licensee, such as his/ her/ its current registered addresses or the historical periods of his/ her /its licence(s), you may conduct a search from the register located at our office.        

Steps for conducting a search

Step (1): Please enter one of the following information: 
(a) Licence No. / SPOB No.; or
(b) Licensee Name; or
(c) Business Name.

Step (2): Please enter the "Security Code".

Step (3): Please press "Search" button.

Step (4): The search result will be shown beneath the "Search" and "Reset" buttons.

(e.g.: E-123456/ C-024680/ E-123456-A000)
(For an individual licensee, please input surname and then other name(s), e.g.: Chan Tai Man) (For a company licensee, please input company name)
Enter the code shown above in the box below

Ascertain if the person concerned is currently licensed and the details of the licence

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Useful quick links for Licensees

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