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Q and A
Q: The EAA will issue Licensee Identity Cards to all practitioners. Will this card replace the licence certificate? Am I required to display the card at work?
A: The licence, which is currently granted in the form of a certificate, is a legal document and cannot be replaced. The Licensee Identity Card, on the other hand, is issued to provide a standard means of identification for all licensed practitioners. It is issued for the convenience of both licensees and consumers and is not intended to replace the licence.

It is not an offence for practitioners not to display the Licensee Identity Card while at work. However, from a practical point of view, consumers do expect the practitioners to display their Identity Cards while at work, so that they may instantly recognise the licensed estate agents. The EAA will promote the Identity Card through the media to the community, and it will also be good practice for licensees to display their Identity Card at work, especially when they are performing outdoor duties.

Q: What are the data featured on the identity card? Is the card to be replaced every year? And is it necessary for the photograph to be taken every year?
A: The identity card will feature these data: the name of the licensee in Chinese and English, the type, number and validity period of the licence, and the photograph of the licensee.

Since the validity period of the licensee is printed on the card, it follows that, as a licensee renews his licence, the identity card will be replaced at the same time. It is not necessary for licensees to take the photograph each time the card is replaced as their photographs have been archived for re-use. All personal data of the licensees, including the photographs, will be handled in strict accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

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