Training Activities
Estate agency is an industry well known for the mobility of its members. During the past three years, some 50% of those who were licensed at one time or another left the trade, while in 2001 there were over 3,000 individuals who passed the qualifying examinations and became eligible for the licence. Training thus becomes essential for standards to be maintained among practitioners. The EAA administered a questionnaire to licensees who were seeking licence renewal at the end of 2001 and, among the over 4,000 respondents, only 29% indicated that there would be no need for continuing professional development programmes. There were 67% who indicated that such programmes should be introduced on a voluntary basis. As to what the programmes should comprise of, there were 56% who would like to see emphasis on legislation related to estate agency and 45% on professional ethics. Other topics regarded as essential were customer service and sales techniques, each at 25% (please see figure on next page).

監管局為從業員提供實地練習機會,圖為土地註冊處職員向學員介紹土地紀錄的種類,並解釋怎樣去查閱《執業規例》 訂明的物業資料。
The EAA regularly provides practitioners with opportunities to learn how to search for prescribed property information. Here, participants at a Workshop on Land Search listen to officers of the Land Registry during a session on how property data required under the Practice Regulation may be obtained. |
To enhance practitioners' sense of professional ethics the EAA is directing efforts to introduce appropriate training activities and to target especially those in the management of estate agency companies, who have the responsibility of ensuring the good behaviour and quality service of agents in their employ. The Authority has also requested institutions providing training courses to stress effective management, supervisory skills and professional ethics in their courses for members of the trade.
Seminars on relevant subjects being organised by the EAA include one on sales and marketing skills and customer service on 26th July and another, on estate agency management skills, on 15th August. On 25th September there will be a seminar on professional ethics in estate agency work. These sessions will be conducted in Cantonese and details may be obtained from the EAA website or at 2598 9550 extension 646.
The Land Search demonstration workshops which took place in March and June were very well received and, with the kind support of the Land Registry, the EAA will continue to organise four more such workshops, on 19th July (all seats filled), 16th August, and on 11th and 18th September. Those interested should call the number above to register.
A seminar on the Protection of Investors Ordinance and property investment arrangements organised in conjunction with the Securities and Futures Commission was held on 15th July. This was followed by two public lectures on property transactions in the Mainland, on 17th and 18th July. Presented by the EAA in association with the Consumer Council, the two seminars featured senior officials from regulatory bodies at both provincial and municipal levels from Guangdong and Guangzhou. The first lecture was designed for Hong Kong citizens who wished to consider property purchases in the Mainland and emphasised consumer protection, while the second one was for licensed estate agents in Hong Kong who were interested in agency practice in the Mainland. This session focused on the licensing requirements for practice in the Mainland, the most recent legislation governing the industry, as well as market characteristics and business prospects.
專題講座 Seminars |
專 題 Topic |
日期 Date |
Sales and Marketing Skills and Customer Service in Estate Agency Work |
26/7 |
Estate Agency Management Skills |
15/8 |
Professional Ethics in Estate Agency Work |
25/9 |
Land Search Demonstration Workshop |
16/8, 11/9, 18/9 |
有興趣參加者可致電監管局培訓組 (2598 9550內線646) 留座。
To reserve a seat, please contact the Training Section at 2598 9550 extension 646.