Don't forget your CPD Award !
The first Continuing Professional Development (CPD) period has ended on 30 September 2006. All estate agents and salespersons eligible to receive a Certificate of Attainment and CPD Attainment Symbol may declare their CPD attainment to EAA between 1 October 2006 and 1 November 2006 (both days inclusive).
Practitioners who have acquired a minimum of 10 CPD points (at least six of which must be from core CPD subjects) during the first CPD period are eligible to receive the Certificate of Attainment and CPD Attainment Symbol. They must use the Voluntary Declaration of CPD Attainment and Record of CPD Activities forms for declaring their CPD attainment to EAA (48/F, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai).
EAA will conduct random inspections of practitioners' records to confirm the accuracy of the information given in the declaration. False declarations may result in disciplinary action.
It is the responsibility of practitioners to keep all original records of their participation in CPD activities (e.g. certificate of attendance) for at least three years from the date of declaration. A fee receipt for an activity will not be considered proof of completion as absence, lateness, or other factors may render the activity invalid for CPD purposes.
EAA also reminds practitioners that any CPD points that remain undeclared will be considered forfeited after 1 November 2006. All CPD points earned in the first CPD period are valid for declaration for that period only.
Practitioners who have attained at least 10 CPD points (with at least six points from core subjects) and declared their CPD attainment will be awarded a Certificate of Attainment and have the CPD Attainment Symbol printed on their Estate Agent Card upon renewal. They will also be entitled to print the CPD Attainment Symbol on their business cards if they wish to do so. Additionally, the 10 practitioners that have earned the highest number of CPD points during the first CPD period, and fulfilled the above requirements, will be given a Prize of Excellence in recognition of their efforts.
The second CPD period commenced on 1 October 2006.
For further details regarding the CPD Scheme, please refer to the new Continuing Professional Development Scheme Guidelines which are available on the EAA website (, or call the EAA Professional Development Hotline (2150 2468).
Chairman Mr Steven Poon said that the trade's response to the CPD Scheme had become increasingly positive. He called on practitioners to gain new knowledge and skills, which will help to raise the social status as well as professional standards of the industry as a whole.