EAA participated in "Tianjin -- Hong Kong Week"

The Hon. Henry Tang, the Financial Secretary, led a delegation to Tianjin a few months ago to take part in the“Tianjin - Hong Kong Week”activities. Representatives from the EAA were among the delegates. The event aimed at promoting economic and trade cooperation and communication between Tianjin and Hong Kong, under the framework laid down by the Closer Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA). It was also the mission of the delegation to promote and introduce Hong Kong to the people of Tianjin. The Hong Kong delegation comprised representatives of Government departments, professional groups and other public and private organizations. On the first day of the event, Mr Dai Xianglong, the Mayor of Tianjin, hosted the delegation at dinner to show support for the event.

Through participation in activities including seminars, lectures and exhibitions, the EAA presented the development of the estate agency industry in Hong Kong and the regulation of trade practices. Mr Alex Tang, attending the event as EAA's representative, was invited to speak on Infrastructure and Real Estate Professional Services in Hong Kong. In his concluding remarks, Mr Tang expressed his wish that the estate agents in Hong Kong could capitalize on their expertise and, with the advantage of CEPA, help to develop the real estate market in the Mainland, and eventually to participate in the international market.


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