EAA Annual Report 2021/22

行政總裁匯報 Report of the Chief Execut ive Off icer 公眾關注購買香港境外物業的問題 由於現今有些消費者鍾情購買香港境外物 業,消費者委員會於 2021 年 10 月發佈了一 份有關提升相關消費者保障的研究報告。 監管局及政府詳細研究該報告,並與不同 持份者舉行會議討論該會的建議,當中包 括要求所有從事銷售香港境外一手住宅物 業的地產代理必須取得牌照。 Public concern on issues arising from purchasing properties situated outside Hong Kong (POH) As nowadays some consumers are interested in purchasing properties situated outside Hong Kong (“POH”), the Consumer Council in October 2021 issued a study report on enhancing consumer protection in the purchase of POH. The EAA and the Government studied the report at length and held meetings with various groups of stakeholders to discuss the Council’s recommendations, which include, inter alia , requiring all estate agents who engage in the sale of first-hand residential POH to be licensed. ( 左起)監管局執行總監陳汝儆先生、行政總裁韓婉萍女士、規管及法律總監梁德麗女士以及服務及專業發展總監王頌恩先生 (form left) EAA Director of Operations Mr Chan U Keng, Chief Executive Officer Ms Ruby Hon, Director of Regulatory Affairs and General Counsel Ms Juliet Leung and Director of Services and Professional Development Mr lvan Wong 地產代理監管局 2021/22 年報 16