Statistics Licensee (Up to 30/6/2005)
  Individual Limited Company SPOB
Estate Agent Salesperson
9,297 10,878 1,145 2,443
Total 20,175 3,588

Educational Level of Licensees
  Below F.5 Completed F.5 or equivalent Tertiary or above
Estate Agents 19.0% 52.5% 28.5%
Salesperson 8.8% 77.5% 13.7%

Non-compliance Cases discovered during inspection
(1/1/2005 - 30/6/2005)
Suspected Cases of non-compliance Reported allegations
265 314

Breach of the Estate Agents Ordinance (EAO) 83
Breach of the Practice Regulation 27
Breach of the Licensing Regulation 190
Others 14

Complaints (including bankruptcy cases) (1/1/2005 - 30/6/2005)
Cases Reported allegations
388 624

Conduct and practice 382
Breach of the EAO and its subsidiary legislation 213
Standard of service 7
Professional competence 2
Others 20

PROGRESS (1/1/2005 - 30/6/2005)
A total of 1,044 cases were handled during the period, including 656 cases carried over from the previous year, as follows:
Cases completed 296
Investigation by EAA in progress (65 cases pending decision of Disciplinary Committee) 721
Pending court decision 14
Pending investigation by other bodies
(Police, Independent Commission Against Corruption, Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data)

SUBSTANTIATED CASES (1/1/2005 - 30/6/2005)
Among the 296 cases completed during the reported period, 91 cases were subsequently mediated or withdrawn. 51 cases were curtailed because of insufficient information to pursue. 87 cases were found to be substantiated. 67 cases were found to be unsubstantiated.

Actions Taken (1/1/2005 - 30/6/2005)
Revocation of licence 0
Suspension of licence 9
Attachment of conditions to licence 14
Fine* 1
Referred to other bodies
(Police, Independent Commission Against Corruption)
Reprimand 5
Letter of warning 4
Letter of advice 64

*Fine collected is accredited to the Treasury of the HKSAR

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