Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute Offers One-Stop Services

Establishing a business in Macau has been made much simpler, thanks to the "one-stop" services provided by the Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute.

The Institute provides consultation, advice and assistance in establishing companies and finding local partners --- and even provides short-term offices for investors if necessary.

Full-time notaries from the Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute help with company registration formalities, including preparing documents and fee collection.

An Investment Committee has also been established, with representatives from the Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau, Macau Economic Services Bureau, Labour Affairs Bureau, Health Bureau, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, Finance Services Bureau, Macau Government Tourist Office and Fire Services Bureau, to assist visitors with various administrative affairs.

The Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute also provides a service titled Investment Cooperation Square, which aims to introduce investors to promising partners.

The Institute encourages investors to rent an office before establishing a company, but the Macau Trade Promotion Center will provide an office for up to four months if necessary. The Center's offices are fully equipped with desks; computers, telephones, small libraries and meeting rooms, and most services are free.

The Institute doesn't charge fees for its one-stop services, but stamp duty, commercial registration and business tax must be paid by the company.

One-stop services are available for all investors, regardless of the size of the investment, but potential investors are reminded that the threshold registration capital for a limited company is 25,000 patacas.

For more information, please visit the official website of the Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute at

Source: Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute


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