Estate Agents and Salespersons Qualifying Examinations

Results of the March Qualifying Examinations

Result slips for the 24th March 2005 paper-based Estate Agents and Salespersons Qualifying Examinations have been mailed to candidates on 27th April. Examination results are classified as "Pass with Commendation", "Pass", "Fail" or "Absent".

Examination certificates for the 24th March 2005 Qualifying Examinations are now available for candidates' collection at the EAA.

Qualifying Examinations in July 2005 and November 2005

The July 2005 and November 2005 series of paper-based Qualifying Examinations for Estate Agents and Salespersons will be held on 21st July 2005 (Thursday) and 10 November 2005 (Thursday).

The Computerised Salespersons Qualifying Examinations is held several times each week. Please call the Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority at 2328 0061 extension 323 or 2354 9744 for enquiries and registration.

New Qualifying Examinations Handbook

The EAA has published a new Qualifying Examinations Handbook which is a combined booklet for both the paper-based and computerised examinations. The new Handbook has incorporated the latest changes to the format for the Estate Agents Qualifying Examinations and the revised syllabi for both the Estate Agents and Salespersons Qualifying Examinations. Candidates interested in taking the future Qualifying Examinations should study this new Handbook. The new Handbook in pdf format is available at the EAA website:


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