EAA Circulars

The EAA has recently issued the following practice circulars on regulatory and law-related issues:

  1. Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) (Amendment) Ordinance 2004 (Circular No. 05-01 (CR))
  2. Takeover of tenancy/business (Circular No. 05-02 (CR))
  3. Identification of Personnel at First-Sales Site (Circular No. 05-03 (CR))

These circulars have been issued to draw practitioners' attention to (1) changes of the security of tenure regime brought about by the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) (Amendment) Ordinance 2004; (2) the potential risk involved in the takeover of tenancy/business; (3) the importance of wearing estate agent cards and employee cards whenever on duty at first-sales sites as well as the necessity of estate agency companies to keep record of staff deployed at first-sales site respectively.

Practitioners are highly recommended to study the circulars with due care as the circulars provide guidelines for practitioners in compliance with regulatory requirements in the course of estate agency work.


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